Great Blue Lobelia: $10.99 1/2 Gallon
The spikes of brilliant true blue flowers on this wetland native attract butterflies, hummingbirds and neighbors to your garden! Lobelia siphilitica offers a deep-hued counterpoint to the yellows of late summer. This colony-forming, short-lived perennial grows well in medium to wet soils, especially with a little shade. In its native range, Great Blue Lobelia can be found in wet prairies, soggy meadows, pond and creek edges, marshland borders, and other moist areas. Great Blue Lobelia grows large, richly-flowered spikes. The deep blue-violet flowers on these spikes attract many bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Lobelias produce a secondary compound known as "lobeline," which deters herbivores. This means it’s very deer proof! 100% Deer Proof Full Sun - Part Shade Height: 3’ Wet - Medium Wet Soil Blooms: July-Oct Zones 3-9
Great Blue Lobelia $10.99
YOU ARE RESERVING INDIVIDUAL PLANTS FOR SPRING 2025. **THERE IS A 10 PLANT MINIMUM FOR INDIVIDUAL PLANTS and can be a mix of any available plants. There is NO MINIMUM if individudal plants are combined with a Plant Package Reservation**
This reservation allows us to know what we need to grow during the winter months in our greenhouse. As Spring 2025 draws closer a date for your package pick up will be established. All packages are picked up at our farm and gardens in mid Spring as soon as weather and plants are stable.
Plants will be paid for on package pick up day in person. We will keep you posted along the way as Spring draws closer with all payment and pick up details.