White Turtlehead: $10.99 each 1/2 gallon
Turtlehead is named for its pretty white blossoms which resemble a turtle head poking out from its shell. It is an important host plant providing larval food for the lovely orange and brown Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly. Its nectar also attracts other butterflies, bumblebees, and ruby-throated hummingbirds. Turtlehead likes wet to moist soils and full to part sun. The plants have deep green foliage of lance-shaped leaves on upright stems and grow to 5 feet tall. They make a good choice for border and wet meadow plantings and will provide for a late summer bloom.
Full Sun - Part Shade
Height: 5’
Wet - Medium Wet Soil
Blooms: July-Sept
Zones 3-8
White Turtlehead $10.99
YOU ARE RESERVING INDIVIDUAL PLANTS FOR SPRING 2025. **THERE IS A 10 PLANT MINIMUM FOR INDIVIDUAL PLANTS and can be a mix of any available plants. There is NO MINIMUM if individudal plants are combined with a Plant Package Reservation**
This reservation allows us to know what we need to grow during the winter months in our greenhouse. As Spring 2025 draws closer a date for your package pick up will be established. All packages are picked up at our farm and gardens in mid Spring as soon as weather and plants are stable.
Plants will be paid for on package pick up day in person. We will keep you posted along the way as Spring draws closer with all payment and pick up details.