Swamp Sunflower: $8.99 each 1 quart
This late blooming sunflower is an excellent choice for a damp sunny spot in a garden. Its salt tolerance makes it suitable for coastal gardens as well. Swamp Sunflower has attractive, dark green foliage throughout the growing season and puts on a show of bright yellow blooms in the fall. Unlike other species in its genus, Helianthus angustifolius doesn't spread aggressively, but rather forms a gradually growing clump. It is the host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot butterfly, Gorgone Checkerspot butterfly and Painted Lady.
Full Sun
Height: 8’
Wet, Medium Wet to Medium Soil
Bloom: Aug - Oct
Zone 6-9
Swamp Sunflower $8.99
YOU ARE RESERVING INDIVIDUAL PLANTS FOR SPRING 2025. **THERE IS A 10 PLANT MINIMUM FOR INDIVIDUAL PLANTS and can be a mix of any available plants. There is NO MINIMUM if individudal plants are combined with a Plant Package Reservation**
This reservation allows us to know what we need to grow during the winter months in our greenhouse. As Spring 2025 draws closer a date for your package pick up will be established. All packages are picked up at our farm and gardens in mid Spring as soon as weather and plants are stable.
Plants will be paid for on package pick up day in person. We will keep you posted along the way as Spring draws closer with all payment and pick up details.